Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Douche Files - Porking

Is there any way to wear a pork-pie hat un-ironically post 1959? I just saw a bohemian hip dude with a straw pork pie hat and his son was wearing one as well. (I assume it was his son. This is LA after all it could have been his "son" but then I might be forced to notify the authorities.) And the kid's Affliction t-shirt and onset childhood obesity didn't help matters. I wish I could have been so cool when I was a fat 11 year old, trying to hide in teal Dittos and a sleeveless rust colored down vest. Anyway, pork pie hats make me feel like I'm dying a bit inside every time I see one. I  think I must associate it with artistry, and every jealous bone in my body tenses up. Only successful artists dress that shittily. And I know it all comes down to the fact that the only kind of hat I can pull off is a ball cap turned backward, and you just can't get away with that any more. Oh, and just wondering, does an 11 year old really need a caramel macchiato?

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